Pros and Cons of Choosing Different Genres


  • Easy to create tension and suspense using sound and camera angles, movement and framing
  • Clear target audience of teenagers and young adults
  • A massive budget isn’t needed due to few limitations in location, for example the opening could be filmed in a shed
  • Do not necessarily need a large budget for mise en scéne because horrors do not typically have many props
  • Typically filmed with dark lighting – night time therefore, surroundings do not have to be completely clear
  • Small cast, not many extras are needed
  • Confined location
  • Sound easily adds an eerie vibe and suspense to the atmosphere, for example using jump scares
  • No or very few limitations when choosing a story line
  • Lots of handheld camera movement and Voyeur (a framing device used to imply a character is being watched (or hunted) by a malevolent other.)
  •  Mostly finalized using post – production which decreases filming time

  • Small range in target audience therefore, horrors are less popular than some other genres
  • They are not to everyone’s taste, people either love it or hate it
  • You cannot explore codes and conventions that belong to other genres
  •  If special effect makeup is being used then a large budget is needed due to the fact that it is expensive

  • Thrillers have a large target audience ranging from teenagers to adults therefore, there are minimal limitations to what can be included in the film opening in regards to the storyline
  • Sound easily adds tension and suspense to the film and can be built upon very easily
  • Thrillers easily capture the viewer’s attention and brain thoughts due to complicated storyline
  • Interesting and complicated story lines
  • Encourage deeper thinking and stimulate the brain
  • Encourages adrenaline rushes
  • Flexible cast size depending on the plot of the movie
  • Lots of non-diegetic sound which is easy to add in post – production
  • You can explore the codes and conventions of other genres and intertwine them with typical thriller conventions
  • Thrillers can be filmed within day and night time which is convenient to the cast, they do not necessarily have to wait for a specific time of day

  • A large budget is needed for mise en scéne due to filming in daylight and vital symbolism of props and accessories
  • Large location may be needed which could be hard to find in daylight without members of the public
  • A complicated storyline may be hard to think of and be time consuming


  • Action movies are very effective when all the conventions are used properly
  • Sound is an easy way to increase tension and suspense within the movie
  • They can be exciting to watch because the viewer ants to find out what will happen at the end of the film
  •  A large range of camera angles, movement and framing can be used
  • It can be easy to create a good story line
  • Easy to engage audience
  • Clear target audience which is teenagers and young adults

  • A massive budget is needed due to vital locations and acting
  • Stunt men/experts are needed for some types of action films, for example a super hero movie
  • Mise en scéne is expensive because it must mean something and be symbolic
  • Actors need to be skilled and have specific talents e.g driving
  • Need prior knowledge of CGI
  • Mise en scéne has to be significant and related to the plot of the movie
  • Post production is hard to get realistic and believable, for example an explosion 
  • Limitations for location
  • Large cast needed
Romantic Comedy:
  • Rom Coms have a clear, large target audience of females and a few males
  • Storyline is relatable to most of the audience, romance and relationships
  • Can use a small cast or a large cast
  • Tear-jerking which involves the audience and usually increases the rating of the movie
  • Small budget
  • No limitations with location however, the quality of the film will be increased if the audience can relate to the location used
  • No limitations with age of actors
  • Wide range of possibilities
  • Natural makeup can be used which decreases the cost of the film
  • No complex costume, location, or props will be needed

  • Chosen actors have to be convincing and believable, otherwise certain scenes will not work so a sufficient standard, especially as romantic comedies are normally based solely on the two characters
  • The dialogue has to be interesting enough to make viewers grow an attachment to the characters, and be funny enough to make them laugh, otherwise the genre will not be exceeded
  • It is normally preferred to be watched by one gender
  • Some scenes may be unsuitable for actors of our age to perform

  • Simple and cheap locations can be used for dramas, that the audience can relate to
  • Appeals to a wide target audience
  • No limitations regarding the storyline and it is relatable to the audience
  • A small or large cast can be used and there are no specific limitations of the age of the cast
  • Small budget
  • Natural makeup is typically used therefore, there is no extra expensive for makeup
  • Mise en scéne and location is easy to decide upon, there are very few limitations, every day and relatable locations can be used
  • No complex costume, location, or props will be needed
  • Chosen actors have to be convincing and believable, otherwise certain scenes will not work so a sufficient standard, especially as romantic comedies are normally based solely on the two characters
  • The dialogue has to be interesting enough to make viewers grow an attachment to the characters
  • It is normally preferred to be watched by one gender


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