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Also known as the motion picture rating system. Used in films to discriminate audiences appropriately in terms of audience age concerning topics like violence, sex, and mature content. There are a number of different criteria used to categorise a film into each age group and classification. Countries vary with this rating system, however I will be looking at the age classifications used in the UK.
Universal- The Universal symbol means the film is suitable for all ages, and no parental consent is needed. This is most applicable to children's films, and films that contain no adult content. The topics within a "U" film should be appropriate for young audience. There should be no profanity, but there can be occasional mild bad language or hints towards it. Partial nudity is permitted as long as there is no link to sexual activity. Kissing and brief references to "making love" is permitted, but any further actions would push the rating into the age above.

Parental Guidance- PG rating does not implement an age restriction, but allows for parents to understand that the film may be inappropriate for very young or sensitive children. Topics can include racism and crime, but should not imply such topics as being right. Mild profanity is permitted in films at this rating. With concern to weapons and drugs- they should not be glorified. Drugs are not allowed to be mentioned but weapons can be included only if they are hard to get hold of, or not realistic. Reference to sex is allowed, but cannot be blatantly obvious. Violence can be suggested, but no such fighting or violence should be included if it could be easy to replicate.
12A & 12- 12A is only used in cinemas to suggest the child can be under 12 but would need to accompanied by an adult. The criteria used to asses films remain exactly the same for 12 &12A. Mature themes can be used within a 12 rated film, but violence should be kept minimum, and there should be no focus on blood and wounds. Drugs are allowed to be mentioned, however, they must not be glorified or be taught how to be used. Dangerous topics like harm and suicide can be mentioned, but must not be easy to imitate or appear painless to the audience. Sex can be referenced, but nothing more than a typical 12 year old would know. Nudity is allowed, but should be inconspicuous if referring to sexual activity.
15- The material in a 15-rated film can be harsh but there is still some limits to the variation of topics brought up. Nudity is allowed, however there should be no pornographic detail. Strong violence is allowed but gore should be restricted where possible. Detail in sexual violence should not be explored, but it can be referenced. There can be threat in such films. Strong language is permitted, but should not be used excessively. Dangerous topics like self-harm and suicide can be referenced and shown, but realism should be avoided, and any dangerous behaviour that could be replicated easily should be avoided.
18- Strong language, violence, and discrimination is allowed, and there are little to no constraints on what can and can't be shown. Laws must still be followed, no matter what certification.


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