Pre-Production Experimenting

Pre-Production Experimenting


Pre-production experimenting is the act of testing sound, lighting, camera angles, framing and movement, and characters at initial location ideas to see whether it will work for or film opening.

Drone Location

We only needed footage without sound for the part we are going to film with the drone which is why we did not need to experiment to check the sound was working.

We had decided before filming that we were going to have the beginning of our opening start in the middle of the afternoon to ensure the footage would be clear and bright enough to see once edited, but also to be slightly dull, therefore we picked a day that was fairly cloudy and decided to film the drone section on this day.

Chloee filmed many different parts of the landscape with the drone in order to ensure we could cut sections with smooth movements to look most professional.


Due to being such an open, isolated area that was not close to any roads, the sound was perfect. Although the wind could be picked up as well as the sounds from the factory buildings nearby, this added to the creepiness of the diegetic noises for our opening.

Chloee had already visited this park multiple times before and knew it would be perfect for our film opening, therefore we decided to just go there one day and see how it turned out, which was great because we were able to get shots we could actually use.

We made sure that the protagonists clothing would stand out from the greenery in the background by using blue and black tones overall.

Chloee's Garden

Because Chloee's garden is quite small, we decided to go there one day and experiment with camera angles and movement to ensure we would be able to film what we wanted to without making it too obvious that we were in a garden location, and instead for it to look like the woods. We decided the shed in her garden would be perfect for the farmer's work shed due to its size, old look, and the tools which were already inside that could add to the mise-en-scène.


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